Give to JIFGA Christian Scholarship Foundation

Support the children of pastors, ministers and missionaries.

Pastors, ministers and missionaries serving their ministries are often torn between the desire to stay in their ministry field and the need to financially provide for their children’s college, institute or seminary education. It is the goal of JIFGA Christian Scholarship Foundation to provide financial support and encouragement to ministerial children from around the world, making it possible for these students to attend quality Christian colleges and share their unique gifts and diverse experiences with their campus communities.

The JIFGA Christian Scholarship Foundation, Inc. was incorporated in 2012 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Its purpose is to promote Christian scholarship by providing financial assistance to the children of pastors, ministers, and missionaries, who are serving in active ministry. members of Churches of Christ who are engaged in scholarly activities.

All Christian Scholarship awards are funded by donations. All donations to the JIFGA Christian Scholarship Foundation, Inc. are tax deductible.
You can give online using any major credit card or your PayPal account by clicking the Donate button below.

Amazon Smile

You can also support JIFGA Christian Scholarship Foundation when you shop for holiday gifts. #StartWithaSmile at and Amazon donates a percentage of eligible Amazon Smiles purchases to JIFGA Christian Scholarship Foundation. This works with your existing Amazon account. You just need to go through this link, so JIFGA gets the credit.


Contact Us

349 High Street, Holyoke,
Massachusetts 01040

Phone: 1+ (800) 528-9743